Ars Longa Vita Brevis

This is a page intended to exhibit some of my thoughts, my drawings and my view of life. It is not a selected work, it is a process, so you will mature with me along the way.

Αυτή η σελίδα προορίζεται να παρουσιάσει μερικές από τις σκέψεις μου, κάποια από τα σχέδιά μου και την οπτική γωνία που βλέπω τη ζωή. Δεν είναι επιλεγμένη δουλειά μου, είναι μια προοδευτική διαδικασία, έτσι που και εσείς θα ωριμάζετε μαζί μου στην πορεία

You only take out the shit you put in

There are times that dissapointment enters your life violently and every part of the structure of your daily actions collapses to pieces or shatters to tiny bits, that is the time where you ought to take a breath and clear your life of all the shit you put into it. Because you only have to take out of your life the shit you put into it.

No excuses, just clearing things out.

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